Tag Archives: Sun

Cosmic Chronicle – August 2012

Summer is quickly coming to a close for those who are living in the Northern hemisphere. Days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer. Many communities are advertising their annual fairs, feasts, and festivals. Families are wrapping up summer activities and beginning to prepare for the new school year ahead. Mother Nature is also signaling the end of the season with her bounty of ripened fruits and vegetables.  This year, the first harvest, Lammas/Lughnasadh, falls on August 1st in Aquarius.

Cosmically, August is beginning with a much needed reprieve from the chaos, calamity and change since January. Aquarius is an Air Sign, which means that we will become conscious of how others see us. We may not physically accomplish much this month, but, we will continue our path of enlightenment. Air Signs; Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra, are the cerebral giants of the zodiac. Creativity, logistics, inspiration, imagination, ideas, and complex details are boundless fuel for that group. A Full Moon always carries intense energy and when one falls in an Air Sign, the wheels of mental reflection, inspiration, and evaluation rotate on a higher plane of consciousness.

Thankfully, the Mercury Retrograde that began on July 14th has been a mild one, although as it turns direct; August 7th – 8th could ruffle some feathers in the areas of transportation, communication, or commerce, nothing trivial! However, that momentary disruption will dissipate on August 9th.   

August 13th-17th is a period which could unexpectedly unhinge relationships, finances, and our sense of security as the planet Venus crosses the unsettling Uranus-Pluto Square. Hiding under a bed may not be practical, but, it may help! Fortunately a cosmic clean-up crew will arrive with the New Moon, in the Fire Sign, Leo, on August 17th – 19th

Mercury and Uranus will amplify energies giving us a sudden jolt of uninhibited euphoria over the weekend of August 18th – 19th which could cause us to do or say something that we may deeply regret later. On August 20th, we will begin the process of switching gears from the planning and thinking phase into action and reality mode.

The Sun enters the Earth Sign, Virgo, on August 22nd.  Many will anxiously anticipate the amplified and long-lasting energy generated by our second Full Moon. Get out your candles, crystals and magick wands! This Blue Moon will be in the incredibly mystical Water Sign, Pisces; August 31st – September 2nd. Many will be ready to set into motion and manifest their hopes, dreams, wishes, or goals. While others may find themselves feeling mentally scrambled and physically overwhelmed by the intense swirling energy.

Labor Day weekend will officially end summer in the Northern Hemisphere. After a sneak preview of September’s cosmic coming attractions; it may not be a bad idea to stock your pantry with Tylenol and Prilosec, you may need them.    

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Posted by on August 1, 2012 in Cosmic Chronicle


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Cosmic Chronicle – July 2012

newsletter - July 2012Challenging is a good word to describe the last six months. Our challenges actually began in 2010, and escalated to fever pitch when the planet of change, Uranus, settled in the fire sign, Aries, on March 11, 2011, where it will remain until May 15, 2018 when it will move into Taurus. Since the beginning, we have been on an unmerciful roller coaster ride filled with unexpected chaos, confusion and change!

July 4 will usher in a positive and surprisingly optimistic energy during the American Independence Day celebrations, curtsey of a Capricorn Full Moon, July 3. Uranus will go retrograde July 13 – December 13 in Aries. And, Mercury will go retrograde July 14 – August 8 in Leo. The pace will appear to slow, and we will finally have some time for a much needed time-out. Inner reflection and examination of our future direction will be the major theme during this period. As well as completing projects that have been put on the back-burner for so long, i.e., cupboards, closets, attics, basements and garages! During this Mercury Retrograde, old friends, long lost relatives, and even those who have passed-on could suddenly contact us. A return of past relationships is the focus for this unusual Mercury Retrograde.

Much emphasis has been put on a personal and collective spiritual awakening this year, but what does it mean? During the age of darkness and materialism, we were taught that the term spiritual meant core religious beliefs. And, for the last 168 years that conditioned definition was true. However, we are realizing now that whatever acts as our inner support system and directs us to our greatest potential of awareness is truly our core spiritual self. We are evolving into spiritual beings with a broader perspective of being part of something far greater than ourselves. On a reflective note, and given recent events, it appears that organized religions were much more dogmatically confident, and profitable, when their flocks revolved and lived in unquestioned faith and trust.

Although there are still bumps in the cosmic road ahead, our incredible journey is far from over, especially as we move into mid-month, then all hell will break loose again! But, just as quickly as it began, we will comfortably and securely end the month with a bright New Moon in Cancer on July 19, and the Sun will enter the fire sign, Leo, July 22.

August will come in with a much more positive energy as Neptune, Pluto and Uranus begin to mellow their cosmic flair-ups. A keen sense of awareness will help us to recognize any unexpected opportunities which could present themselves and ignite our ambition, drive, and passions in the direction we have chosen. So, stay tuned as we continue to move forward, onward and upward together.

Shelly Seitz
Sagittarian Sun, Inc.

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Posted by on June 28, 2012 in Cosmic Chronicle


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Cosmic Chronicle – June 2012

June 2012


Second verse, same as the first! Yes, June begins with more chaos, mayhem and calamity. Relationships will continue to suffer significant challenges until Venus goes direct on June 27.  As more hidden truths are revealed, we will continue to systematically sort out our lives, letting go of everything and anything that we do not need, especially from the past. Radical change has always been a bitter pill to swallow. And, it’s very hard to move forward when we are gripped with irrational fears, especially of the unknown.

An eclipse is always powerful, and packed with long term change. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on June 4 is no different. We will discover that it’s often much easier to remain co-dependent on others, than it is to unconditionally love ourselves. In comparison to the therapy of a 12 Step Program, the Lunar Eclipse will usher in a feeling or need for forgiveness. Consciously dealing with false pride will challenge many egos during this intense time. So, choose your battles wisely, lest you find yourself eating humble pie!

There is very good news, however! Whatever you were doing on or around November 30, 2010 will begin to materialize after June 1! As a point of reference; if you happen to be a pregnant Elephant, Rhino, or Sperm Whale, you will be ecstatically looking forward to the birth of your calf! LOL!

Father’s Day is June 17, and the New Moon in Cancer will be June 19. The longest day of the year; the Summer Solstice, marks the official first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. June 20 is going to be eventful because the Sun will enter the water sign of Cancer, too. There will be a brief respite when Venus goes direct on June 27. “How long is the respite going to be,” you ask cautiously. Count the days and finish whatever communication or commerce projects you’re working on. Mercury goes Retrograde July 15 – August 8.  Are we having fun yet? LOL!

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns don’t hesitate to contact me, or write a comment on my blog. I love to hear from you! And please, add your website link to our exchange links page. It’s free, and we all know that nothing ventured, nothing gained. LOL! If you would like a category that isn’t listed, I will happily add it for you, just let me know.

Shelly Seitz


Sagittarian Sun, Inc.



Posted by on May 31, 2012 in Cosmic Chronicle


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Cosmic Chronicle – May 2012

Cosmic ChronicleThe first week of May gave us a brief moment of much needed homeostasis. But, we instinctively know that all good things must come to an end; as does the calm before a storm.

On May 5, a Scorpio Full Moon will once again accelerate the familiar roar of momentum which will push us through; much like the infamous words from Convoy, C.W. McCall, 1978, “We shot the line and went for broke with a thousand screamin’ trucks, so, we crashed the gate doin’ 98, let them truckers roll! 10-4!”

Now, get out the Tylenol, Prozac, and Xanax. The intense energy explosion on May 5 – 9 could flare road rage, erratic behaviors, and temper outbursts, which will hang-on until Mother’s Day, May 13. One would do well to consider a strenuous physical activity during this time; like digging a hole to China, building an Egyptian pyramid, renovating a Greek Pantheon, or swimming across the English Channel.

For those that successfully make it through these two weeks from hell, you will be cosmically rewarded with five fun filled days of renewed self-confidence, vigor, vitality, and the Midas touch. Yes, a grand trine is coming in on May 13, where its direct beneficial effects may linger until the 17th; indirectly until the Solar Eclipse on May 20.

Venus goes retrograde in Gemini on May 15 – June 27. Essentially, our only saving grace is that she will rest in a positive aspect to Saturn, the task master; ruler of restrictions and opposition. A Venus retrograde always directs us inward, emphasizing relationships; especially jointly held finances.

Gemini is the sign of logical intellect and the process for rational thinking. So, the energy from this Venus retrograde will direct our conscious minds to areas that we normally avoid like the plague, including an internal evaluation of our actions and values.

Within hours after the Sun enters the air sign of Gemini on May 20, we’ll get blasted full force with a Gemini New Moon and Full Solar Eclipse, which will forcibly elevate our consciousness up another octave. Are we having fun yet?   

The ancients revered and feared the powerful and long felt effects that both a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse championed. We are here to witness the old and tired system of materialism, power, greed and corruption move into shadow, and the dawn of a new age.

As we close the month with Memorial Day weekend, many may find themselves torn; i.e., should I go back to work, or call in? It will also prompt us to avoid verbal confrontations. Perhaps it would prove less stressful to make a list of any topics of conversation which may become intense. And, put the list on a back burner until after May 31.

In response to your question; will this infernal roller coaster ever stop? The late Jerry Reed left us with these appropriate words of wisdom, “We’ve a long ways to go, and a short time to get there!”

Normally, I would end the Chronicle with that quote, but, today I must add a footnote:

Every month, for the last several years, I’ve been using Hotmail to conveniently deliver the Chronicle. As you know, I’m the designated poster child for the technically challenged. “Keep it simple, stupid,” is my motto! All that I’ve ever wanted to do is write and distribute a well written, informative monthly newsletter, primarily for the layman. I admit that I’m not the brightest bulb in the box, but, I do know that people appreciate insight which may help them with their choices and options. We instinctively know that timing can mean everything. For instance, how many times have you said or heard these five words, “When the time is right?”

I have tried for a very long time to avoid this, mainly because I did not want the hassle, and I truly did not want to inconvenience anyone. But, it appears that I cannot independently add names and email addresses to my program’s encrypted newsletter manager. So, I must ask you to take a moment and subscribe if you wish to continue on my broom-to-door delivery route. (So far, I haven’t broken any windows!)

While you’re there, you may also want to submit the information for your web site. Nothing ventured, nothing gained… and it’s FREE! LOL! 

If you have any comments, questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Shelly Seitz


Sagittarian Sun, Inc.

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Posted by on May 9, 2012 in Cosmic Chronicle


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Cosmic Chronicle – March 2012

Cosmic ChronicleAs the days grow longer, we instinctively look forward to welcoming spring with a surge of hope, renewal, and vibrant energy.  But, since January 23, many have experienced a firm cosmic thumb on the top of their head, appearing to weigh them down with confusion, uncertainty, lethargy, and self-doubts. And others have felt the direct opposite. This frustrating and conflicting phenomenon happens every two years, when Mars goes into retrograde motion.  The good news is; Mars, ruler of energy, sex, aggression and action, will go direct on April 13.  It definitely hasn’t helped that Mars has been in retrograde in the most critical, perfection driven, and detail oriented sign of the zodiac, Virgo. The steroid powered roller coaster ride that we’ve been on has found many spinning their wheels, and getting nowhere, fast!

Although March began with challenges, there is an extraordinary silver lining coming our way as we approach the week of March 12. Mars will be joined in a cosmic line-up that is going to be an energy packed, focused and positively opportunistic Grand Trine starring; Jupiter, Neptune, Venus and Pluto, which will continue through March 23.

This will be an excellent time to hit the casino, start new projects, correct mistakes, and get motivated in a positive direction. Many will uncover unexpected financial opportunities, renewed passions, and an emerging readiness to accept personal and spiritual growth. We can consider this an honest beginning as we continue to transition from the darkness into the light.

The Full Moon will be on March 8, in the earth sign of Virgo. Daylight Savings Time will resume on Sunday, March 11. And, Mercury will go into retrograde motion on March 12 – April 4 in the fire sign of Aries. We’ll celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, and the Spring Equinox, which is also the first day of spring, will officially arrive on March 20. The Sun will also enter the fire sign of Aries on March 20, and the New Moon will be in Aries on March 22.

Now, I didn’t say that there wouldn’t be a few bumps in the cosmic road this month.  A Mercury Retrograde always messes up communication and commerce, but, when it’s stationed in Aries, we can expect impulsive, illogical, short-tempered outbursts. Road rage, domestic violence, and impatience can unexpectedly present themselves. You may hear people say, “I haven’t got a clue what got into me?” And, you will be able to respond, “Nothing trivial, Mercury is retrograde in Aries, you’ll be yourself again after April 4.”

When we get past this month, we will feel much more like ourselves, with positive energy and renewed determination to move forward in our future. We may even begin to see our wishes manifest.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please contact me.

Shelly Seitz


Sagittarian Sun, Inc.

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Posted by on March 4, 2012 in Cosmic Chronicle


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Cosmic Chronicle – Feb 2012

Cosmic ChronicleWhen the Moon is in the Seventh House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace shall guide the planets, and love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…

Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In, The 5th Dimension, 1967

As entertaining as the Broadway musical “Hair” was; it was produced long before the actual Age of Aquarius, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Moon being in the Seventh House, and much less to do with Jupiter aligning with Mars!

The Grand Cycle consists of twelve constellations, which rotates from one respective Zodiac sign to the other requiring approximately 2,000 years. There has been tremendous debate about when we made our entrance into the Aquarian Age, or Age of Light.  Some argue that it was 1972, while others believe that it was 1987. Then, there are many who emphatically believe that the Great Shift will begin at the winter Solstice on December 21, 2012.  

Whatever one chooses to believe, Astronomers have indisputable evidence that between the years of 1998-2001, the Sun rotated on its axis and entered the region of space known as the “photon band,” which is filled with higher light frequencies radiating out from the Galactic Center. That’s all well and good, but, what does it mean? Simply put; this intense light source will enlighten anything that falls in its path, expanding consciousness on every level for the next 2,000 years. Needless to say, there is as much controversy about the photon band as there has been about the timing of each Age!

Typically, I try very hard to omit astrological jargon and get straight to the point, after all, what is, is! But, this is one of those times when a crash course is needed to fully understand where we were, why, and where we are heading. So please, follow along with me on a Star-Trek journey through our Twilight Zone!

Planets move through time and space, from one zodiac sign to another, at different warp speeds. The further out into the galaxy a planet is, the longer it takes to change and influence the zodiac signs. For instance; The Moon changes zodiac signs every two and a half days. The Earth changes zodiac signs every thirty days. Venus and Mercury are small, fast moving planets, and they move through a zodiac sign every month. Mars will move through a zodiac sign approximate every month and a half, whereas, Jupiter spends a year doing the same thing.

Saturn, the task master, moves through a zodiac sign every 29 years. Chiron is the relatively “new kid on the block,” his job is to greatly influence our Spiritual evolution with his slow, deliberate transit through a zodiac sign every 50 years. The heavy hitting outer planets; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are the planetary trinity who give us our prophetic insights. Uranus revolves around the Sun once every 84 years, while Neptune makes his presence known for 165 years. The celestial line-up would not be complete without Pluto, who makes his influential journey through the solar system in 248 years.  

This is where we will begin our journey which will bring us to where we are today, at the Uranus-Aries Point, the North Node representing the pathway to Spirit.

“Why is this gibberish important?” Uranus rules light and electricity; and is an expert at turning things upside down, very quickly! Earth got a taste of “coming attractions” when it experienced a magnetic pole shift of its electrical energy May 28, 2010 – January 8, 2012.  Think back, what transpired either personally or globally during that time frame?

Uranus rules Aquarius, Neptune rules Pisces, and, Pluto rules Scorpio, their soul directed, unpredictable, and eccentric influence will be felt through 2025. Thankfully, it will give us plenty of time to find a good therapist!

The assertive warrior Mars rules the fire sign of Aries. It will continue in the retrograde motion it started on January 23 – April 13. Saturn is the ruler of earth sign, Capricorn, and he went into retrograde motion on the Full Moon, February 7, going back into direct motion on June 25.  Until mid-April, these two retrogrades have put us into a very vulnerable position, emotionally, and rationally. Beginning a new business, signing important papers, making major purchases, and decisions, etc. is ill advised until after mid-April.

Without exception, over the next 14 years, there isn’t a soul on Earth who will not be affected by a seemingly arbitrary energy force that is totally beyond our expectations or control.

We’ve all heard the warnings of the impending apocalypse, dooms day, or end of time. When in reality, the coming winter solstice will officially conclude a long era of a falsely guided belief system, and replace it with truth, light and an elevated spiritual consciousness.  “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” will be heard echoing around the world as December, 2012 draws near.  It may help to know that the transformation will not happen overnight, it will continue through 2038.

The good news is; humans will have 2,000 years to accept the transition into the Age of Light, either willingly or kicking and screaming! In which case, I would strongly suggest purchasing a large quantity of Tylenol!

February’s notable calendar continues with Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, the 14th, with the Sun entering the water sign of Pisces on the 19th. Then, we round things out with the New Moon, in Pisces, on the 21st

“The Ladies’ Privilege” is a popular law which dated back when relationships between the sexes were more rigid and formal. It was passed by a Scottish Act of Parliament in the 13th century, and later became an English Common Law in 1606. The origin of a marriage proposal law which prevented men from refusing the proposal is said to have originated in Ireland. The legend is that St Bridget met with St Patrick one day and complained that women did not have the right to propose marriage. Upon hearing this complaint, and being a reasonable man, St Patrick offered the opportunity for women to propose marriage one day, every seven years. However, being a woman of sound wit, St Bridget bargained him down to one day every fourth year, on February 29th. And so it was.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Shelly Seitz


Sagittarian Sun, Inc.

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Posted by on February 8, 2012 in Cosmic Chronicle


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